1- Do I have to live near you to work with you in a health coaching program?

Nope! My clients live all over! All sessions can take place over the phone, and I find that they are just as thorough as in person sessions.

2- Will you provide me an exact meal plan?

During our work together, we will experiment with different recipes and styles of eating to see what works best for YOU. Together we will come up with various options and meals that are realistic for your lifestyle. I don’t believe in strict dieting, or sticking to one specific way of eating! It’s about eating real, whole, foods, and finding what makes you feel good.

3-What makes your approach different?

For my health coaching, I use a holistic approach. This means that we will look at all aspects of your life to create a sense of balance and overall healthy lifestyle. I believe that food is medicine, but the relationships, career, movement, and spiritual ( to name a few!) aspects of your life require just as much attention!

4-I am not sure I want to do an entire 3 or 6 months program, do you offer anything shorter?

I encourage at least 3 months working together, so we have enough time to slowly incorporate healthy habits and make sustainable changes that will last. I want you to develop habits that will stick long after our work together is through! I have found that at least 3 months is a good amount of time to create habits. I’d love to chat with you to see what works best for you!

5-Do you offer payment plans?

Absolutely! During our free consultation session, we can discuss a
payment plan that works best for you.