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Bouncing Back From Injury-Trusting Your Body Again

*disclaimer- the tips I give below are all my own opinion/experience, I obviously have no medical expertise and am not trying to heal your injuries! Please always listen to your body and seek medical attention when necessary** After my first major running injury in April 2018, I was out for nearly 6 months before I could run more than a mile…

The Power of Morning Rituals

What if I told you that you have the power to set yourself up for success, every single day?  It’s true.  But it doesn’t mean that nothing challenging will come your way.  Or you won’t have the occasional meltdown. It doesn’t mean that everything will run right on schedule or you’ll be on time or won’t spill coffee on your cute outfit while…

How To Deal With Injury As An Athlete

Many of you know about my ankle injury from last year (if not, here's a throwback) and how monumental that was for me.  I’ve been active my whole life, and it’s only meant more to me as I’ve gotten older. I was lucky enough to somehow not have a single serious injury until this incident a year ago, so it really did a number on me.   I’m currently…

About Me

Running Wild Wellness

I believe in kindness, medicine in the form of food, and inspiring others to be their best selves in order to live life to the fullest.

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