Why I Don’t Believe In New Year’s Resolutions ( & what to do instead)

I don’t believe in New Year’s resolutions.  


It’s the unpopular opinion, but just the word resolution itself sort of makes me cringe.  As does the term “new year, new you.” Because what’s wrong with these ideas that our culture has deemed as crucial for starting a new year, is that they come from a place of lack.  Implying that there is so much about you that just NEEDS to change and January 1st is the day to do it. Have you ever set a lofty, unrealistic resolution and got super fired up for a month or two, if you’re lucky, only to totally “fall off the wagon” after that and continue the year with self loathing because you couldn’t reach these insane mile markers you set for yourself?  

UGH it grinds my gears.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to use the turning of a new year to start fresh in a sense, set goals, and start manifesting what you want to see moving forward.  But there is a way to do this that comes from a complete place of self love and nurturing. A place that goes far beyond the typical resolution of “losing 10 pounds.”


If you need some tips on where to begin, here are some ideas based on how I journal my way into the New Year!  There is a lot of reflection involved, because I truly believe that in order to move forward we must fully feel all that our past has given us!  


  • Things to leave behind 

What do you want to leave in 2019?  What is no longer serving you? What is holding you back from living your deepest desires? 


  • Wins 

What were some highlights of 2019?!  What worked for you that you want to bring into the new year?  


  • Words to embody and how 

I love to choose one big word that I want to fully focus on embodying in the upcoming year, and maybe a couple other words that I want to bring as well.  In addition to choosing this word, jot down some ideas of how you can actually live it out.  

In 2019 my word was Expansion.  It was really powerful for me, and I love that I can look back over the year and recognize exact moments of when I embraced this.  One of the action steps I knew would help me embody this idea was trusting that every single person that comes across our path is a chance for expansion and has something to teach us.  This made me SO much more open (& still does) to embracing situations with brand new people.  


  • Theme for the year 

In addition to or instead of choosing words, what is a theme that you want to bring into the new year?  For example, for 2020 my theme is Do More. Not the way you might be thinking- I’m already a busy body and could actually use more rest and stillness.  But more in the sense of living big. Not shrinking back for fear of sharing my voice or of failure. Taking up space. Taking more chances and bigger leaps into the unknown, embracing failure.  Living intentionally and purposefully, not playing small.  


I think you’ll find that doing this first will help you come up with goals that truly align with what feels your soul and help you grow in a healthy, loving way. 


I also plan on journaling along to this podcast with Rachel Brathen, because having a guided practice can always give us a little more clarity!  


And when you finish, watch this short video from my girl Rachel Hollis to feel all the feels and hit the ground running.   


Happy New Year, friends!  

Wishing you so much love and magic in the coming 365 days. 


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1 Comment

  1. Debbie says

    Wise words from a beautiful soul!

    Love you

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