Going Against The Grain
I so often hear people say that they can’t wait to travel once they retire, to quit the job they hate, to sell their things and just go where they want to go. Society feeds us the idea that traveling the world by wheels or plane or even on foot can’t happen until we finish our careers, earn that 401k, and can “relax.” That we must slave away at the job we hate and make a lot of money to be cool and own a whole bunch of silly stuff that doesn’t really matter in the end. Unfortunately, it is so easy to get sucked into this way of thinking and try to fit the mold that we so strongly believe we have to. But, if you really think about it, what is even the point of that??? What if you hate your job NOW and want to explore everything this big beautiful world has to offer RIGHT NOW? If there is anything I’ve learned (which is actually quite a lot) in these past almost four years on the road (omg has it been that long?!), it is that following your own heart and ideas to achieve happiness is what life is all about. You can not pour from an empty cup, and in our world today we need your cup full so you can help others do the same. If you are vibrating at the highest frequency, that energy will spread!
Don’t get me wrong, it won’t be easy. You might loose a little. You might loose money, or routine, or even some friends (don’t worry, this means they weren’t really your friends anyways), but you’ll seriously gain so much more. We see so many people on our travels that are elderly and they can not physically hike that mountain, or get out on a paddle board, or even walk around downtown of a new city. And these same people tell us, “we wish we did what you guys are doing while we still had the strength to.” This really tugs at my heart strings, because we all take things for granted daily. I am here to tell you to try really hard to stop that. You don’t want to be the one that grows old with regrets of what you could’ve done or seen or accomplished. Use what you have right now, what your body is capable of doing for you, to live your dream. And if it’s not even traveling your considering, what it is that your thinking of while you read this? What do you KNOW you need to do to ignite that inner fire? You should do it, I fully support you.
I hope this encouraged you to listen closely to your heart and buy that old van to travel in, or find a new job that lights you up, or maybe even run that marathon you’re considering? Because if we aren’t doing what makes our soul happy, what are we even doing?

Hi G, this really resonates with me & is a theme I have been mulling over for awhile now. I am slowly working out how I am going to live my life going forward (I’m 25 now) in such a way that really resonates with what my soul wants & needs. I find that once you start peeling back the layers of expectations of society & really examining them…you start to realise just how out of sync many of those things are with what you really want. It’s mind-blowing!! The one that comes to mind for me is the expectation that I should be getting a big mortgage ASAP otherwise I’m ‘falling behind’. Are you kidding me!??!?!!! Anyway, this really resonates with me, thanks 🙂
Hi Brooke! So glad to hear that you enjoyed it! I totally agree!! It’s best to follow our own hearts instead of society’s pressures 🙂
AWESOME post! I’ve seriously been considering doing just what you’ve written about! 56 here, 21 years into a job I truly do not like. Health not at it’s best, but I can still move, so that’s all that matters.
Let’s see what Dr says over next few weeks, you may see me on the road in my vintage Airstream motorhome, be sure to wave at me if you do.
Thanks, Derek
Thanks Derek!! It is definitely never too late to follow your dreams 🙂 Best of luck!!
Am anxious to join your wellness program. Have been following you guys for a couple of years so it will be great to still follow you and get into shape at the same time!
Hi Chuck! So glad to have you, thanks for the support! If you are interested in hearing about my coaching program one on one, email me at gina@runningwildwellness.com ! I would love to hear from you and we can do a consultation to see if my program is something you want to do 🙂
Loved your beautiful comments – your words ring true!
Thanks Tammi! So glad you liked it!