Dog Friendly Guide to Sedona, AZ
This post is sponsored by Room Key. All text, opinions, and advice are my own. If you haven’t figured it…
My Pillars of Health: Part 2-Movement
If you missed part one of the pillars, welcome! This is a four part post that includes the four Pillars of Health…
My Pillars of Health: Part 1-Sleep
I know that sometimes the wellness world can be insanely overwhelming with new information being thrown at us on…
My Takeaways from Expo West & Need To Know Products
This past weekend was a blur of oat milk, cauliflower, and CBD. I feel beyond grateful to have been able to attend…
How To Have a Healthy Hustle
Hustle. The H word that no one really likes to hear these days. It’s popping up in the wellness world with…
Your Guide to Amazing At-Home Workouts
I absolutely love a good group sweat session. A big source of happiness for me is going to spin class, kickboxing…
A Different Kind of Valentine’s Day
Valentine's day can be seen as a really silly holiday. It’s all this pressure to show your significant other that…
The Simple Practice That’s Missing From Your Morning Routine
Do you know how much power lies in your mind? Your simple ability to think is amazing, and can impact every single…
The Pre-workout Recipe I Swear By
Even though it may appear as if I jump out of bed every morning ready to run 10 miles, that is definitely not the…
Guide To Tamarindo, Costa Rica
Costa Rica has a certain sort of magic energy that I’ve never experienced anywhere else. I was there for 2 months,…
What’s The Secret To Staying Healthy While Traveling?
“How do you keep up with your healthy lifestyle while traveling?” One of my most FAQ’s. The best part about…
What 2018 Taught Me
I think that New Years goals and resolutions can be a tricky situation. Our culture likes to pressure us to use…