
Everyone is looking to lose weight these days.

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Everyone is looking to lose weight these days.

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Portland Marathon

The Portland Marathon was such a blast!!  It was my 6th marathon and second race in a big city (after Austin), and I wasn't quite sure what to expect.  We had heard (according to the silly Facebook page) that the course was questionable…

The Truth About Stress

STRESS.  Just hearing the word makes us cringe a bit.  It gets tossed around so casually in our society these days, and it’s almost seen as a sign of hustle when one says they are stressed.  But guys, stressing out all the time isn’t cool.…

Let that sh*t go

I think we can all agree that life is hard sometimes, but we can’t control what happens to us, we can only control our reaction to things.  And although it’s hard to remember when we are rushing around running late for work (so me…

Race Training on the Road

Full time RV living sometimes requires a little more effort to make sure you get a workout in.  And often times workouts for me include full on marathon or race training while we are on the road!  It can definitely be challenging at times…

Coconut Oil Craziness

Last week, USA Today published an article debating the health benefits of coconut oil and the wellness world went into a tizzy.  While some stood by the negative health claims, others disagreed completely saying that it was…

Austin Marathon

I’m so excited to write about this and relive it, because it was so amazing! The Austin Marathon is actually my favorite marathon I’ve ever ran. I also PR’d, so I might be a little biased 🙂 But in terms of marathon organization, it…

Santa Fe

We had driven from super flat & dusty Oklahoma with hopes of finding adventure in New Mexico, along with a decent laundromat. When I’m away from the desert for awhile, I realize that I start to crave running through trails full…

Invest In Yourself

In Holistic Health, we focus a lot on what is called Primary foods.  These “foods”  are even more important to take care of than the food you put on your plate.  One of them is Relationships. In the category of relationships, something we…

About Me

Running Wild Wellness

I believe in kindness, medicine in the form of food, and inspiring others to be their best selves in order to live life to the fullest.

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