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5 Gifts That Don’t Come In A Box

Holiday Season is upon us guys!  And with it comes the unwanted side effects of stress, anxiety around money, irritable nature, and maybe some long lines too.  But, you have a choice to see past all those things. December brings a bit of hectic energy, there’s no way to deny that. It’s the culture we live in.  We can’t change what is…

Featured Fave: Wiivv

I’m starting a new series in the RWW monthly newsletter focusing on a current product that I’m loving!  I love supporting brands that compliment different aspects of health and wellness, and I’m so excited to start sharing those more with you.   Right now, one of my favorite products is Wiivv’s shoe insoles.  Wiivv is all about honoring your…

What Happens When You Rewrite Your Story?

The last few months have perhaps been some of the most challenging yet.  For a list of reasons I don’t need to get into here, as it is the ebb and flow of life.  But I do feel that it all sort of started with my ankle injury, and just kept going from there.  Like all of a sudden my life was spiraling in ways I didn’t see coming (do we ever?) nor…

About Me

Running Wild Wellness

I believe in kindness, medicine in the form of food, and inspiring others to be their best selves in order to live life to the fullest.

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